Unlucky Radish Occupied the Seat Again [Quick Transmigration]



Chu Ci’s mission was to made the target get together with the female lead, but why these targets who should love the female lead till the point of split personality, lonely till death, give up the country, give up life missions, give up the chance to become great, were get bent one after the other......

1000 year old spiritual radish that loves beautiful people shou x “heartbroken” target that suddenly get bent gong

Note: 1v1, ML is the same person, HE



=> October: 7 Chapters + 1 Bonus Chapter from Ko-fi  (138-145)

=> November: 7 Chapters (146-152)

=> December: 5 Chapters (153-157 End)


Hai everyone~
This is my kofi account, for the people who want to support me.

(I will post a bonus chapter every time it reached the goal ♡)


Patreon  (There are advance chapters ♡)

Thank you very much for the support \^-^/ ❤

My Other Translation:

1) The Transmigration Routine Of Always Being Captured by the ML (Complete)

2) Slowly Turning the Protagonist to the Dark Side (Ongoing)

Note: ♬ = only edited by myself
