Today, the Foolish Scum Gong Screwed Me Over Again


Author: 红口白牙 (Red Mouth White Teeth)

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Original synopsis:

Everyone thought that Qiu Yanzhi was the lowest of the low. A true scum with no self-respect who deserved to be spit upon.

Even the scum gong himself felt this way.

And then one day…

Scum Gong: “Get lost Qiu Yanzhi.”

Qiu Yanzhi slightly inclined his head as he looked up with misty eyes and bloodless lips. His voice was hoarse and trembling involuntarily from terror: “He, He Zhou… I-I won’t leave you. I won’t–”

The scum gong sneered as he slammed the door on his way out.

He forgot his wallet.

He returned home to see the scum shou furiously applying eye drops before sobbing in a crumpled heap against the wall:

“He Zhou… He Zhou… I love you… Please don’t leave me… I was wrong… Please, I love you–”

Then the scum shou suddenly started rolling on the ground laughing hysterically:

“Damn these lines are so cheesy. I bet He Zhou’s ego’s going to inflate when he hears this shit. His face is the only good thing about him, even his techniques suck lol. Only a fool would like him hahahahaha……”

Then the scum shou rolled to the feet of the scum gong.

The scum shou’s face drained of all colour.

The scum gong’s face turned several different colours.

The atmosphere was very awkward.

Translator's synopsis:

Qiu Yanzhi was a jaded university student who came across a popular virtual reality dating simulator. One capture target in particular, He Zhou, caught his eye immediately.

But why was this guy such an asshole for no reason?? Game devs, WTF were you thinking???

But for some reason Qiu Yanzhi stuck around. He found that He Zhou wasn't so bad after all. Qiu Yanzhi had fun in game, basking in the warmth and affection missing from his real life.

That was, until he couldn't log out anymore.

Trapped inside the game, Qiu Yanzhi saw only one way out: seducing the capture target to complete the main storyline.

And if that meant he had to pretend, to lie, to scheme and deceive?

He would do it.

After all...

This was just a game, right?
